Navigating anything new is tricky business. A new school comprising three schools in one is no different. The parent information page is a good start for all parents to begin the journey of getting to grips with the new.
Here, you will find all first-stop telephone numbers and email addresses. Quick links around bus bookings, tuckshop pre-orders and clothing shop information is available here. Matters particular to the three schools - High, Prep and Pre-prep - are covered in the relevant information booklets which explain everything from communications, technology and school hours. The website provides interesting background to what our school is about, our history and the education philosophy we hold dear. Please browse the tabs and you’ll familiarise yourself in no time while learning about our wonderful school.
iSAMS is our new school-wide online portal and foremost communication tool – from class schedules to extra-curricular activities - and data management system.
2025 Calendar provides insight into important events, religious holidays, school functions and is updated termly.
Fees schedule sets out tuition, boarding and enrolment fees as well as school banking details.
Find all the relevant information pertaining to the Grade your daughter is in
Secretary : Ayesha Mohamed
021 300 6500
Gorge Road, Oranjezicht,
Cape Town, 8001
Drop off: Woods Entrance
Secretary : Feroza Jappie
021 300 6504
Gorge Road, Oranjezicht,
Cape Town, 8001
Drop off: Palm Trees
Secretary : Edwardine Esau
021 300 6502
Gorge Road, Oranjezicht,
Cape Town, 8001
Drop off: Woods Entrance
Manager : Sharon Greeff
021 300 6530
Gorge Road, Oranjezicht,
Cape Town, 8001
Drop off: Palm Trees
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